And so it begins…or rather, continues

I am out of work.  There.  I said it.  It certainly pulls at the ego a bit to think that you look great on paper and feel that you have done great things professionally, only to be out of work.  But it is what it is.  I need to get over that. 

I’ve been out of work for a couple months now.  At first, I’ll admit, it was kind of fun to have a bit of a “vacation.”  But that got old quickly.  I’ve never really been out of work before.  I was laid off from my job (of 6 years) in September and three days later, I had a new job.  So I got a two week vacation between those positions. 

But, through no fault of either party, my next job just didn’t work out.  I went from a company of 11,000 to 110, which required quite a bit more of a mind shift than I had anticipated.  (As an aside, I now know what I didn’t know and feel much more prepared for a small company experience.)  So after my probationary period as a new employee, we parted ways.  It was their initiative, but I agreed it was not a good fit.  They are amazing at their core business and are a bunch of super smart people, so certainly no hard feelings on my part. 

But, I digress….

I have applied for unemployment (again, bruising the ego), but I am lucky in that I have the ability to be very thoughtful about my next endeavor, as I am now on my husband’s health insurance and we have some savings. 

So, this blog will serve as:

  • an outlet for my writing (something I love)
  • a journal of my experience with the job search
  • a list of what I’m reading/doing to keep those business muscles flexing
  • …and more.

And with that, watch this space.  Keep tabs on an Ivy League MBA who believes in her bones that life-long learning is the answer as she struggles with finding her own answers and learning about the process of being unemployed and searching for her next meaningful professional opportunity. 


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