Timing is Everything – Today’s Endeavors

Well, wouldn’t you know, I was inspired to create this blog just before leaving town for a few days.  That got me off my rhythm, and now it’s been over two weeks since my last post.  That stops today!

That said, just because I haven’t been blogging doesn’t mean that I haven’t been doing things to further my goals in the four categories of physical/mental health, community involvement, love of learning, and job search.

So with that, below are Today’s Endeavors…well, more like This Week’s Endeavors:

  1. Physical/Mental Health
    I’m trying to be better about getting to the gym on a regular basis.  Unfortunately, my pilates classes fell through due to low registration, and I was really looking forward to them.  But, I’ve put together my own arms and abs weight training routines and still have my treadmill workouts that I’ve been doing.
    I also got a FitBit Zip to track my steps.  When you have a computer-based job, it’s easy to not take your 10,000 steps (which equals roughly 4 miles).  When you’re in between jobs, it’s sort of a craps shoot – some days I’m all over the place, other days I’m rather sedentary.  So, I wanted to get into the analytics instead of just guessing how many steps I’ve been taking.  Today’s my first day wearing it, and so far I’ve only taken about 3,800 steps.  Good thing we’re going to the Greenbelt tonight to go hiking.  Can’t wait to see what it reads when I’m done.
    All in all, it’s better than sitting on the couch all day, so I’ll count it as a slight win.
  2. Community Involvement
    This week I volunteered at the AGE Computer Lab as the substitute registrar while their regular registrar out on vacation. I’ve been doing this for a couple of weeks now and will be for about 1.5 months.  While I could do everything online, I’ve been going into their office, and as it turns out, it has served me well in that I’ve gotten out of the house and had some lovely conversations with some of our “Greatest Generation.”  I’ve also volunteered to take over the social media (at least FB for now) for the Lab, a notion which was greeted with enthusiasm, as they’re over-worked here as it is.
    I also attended Greenlights Board Summit last night.  It’s a great opportunity to learn more about the non-profits who partner with Greenlights with the eventual goal of finding an organization with whom you’d like to create a stronger bond through board service.  I learned about a school down here that is similar to the one I attended in Brooklyn – no grades! (…a foreign concept to most…)  I’d definitely like to look into being more involved with them in the future.  Check them out at Austin Discovery School.  I plan on reaching out to them today.
  3. Love of Learning
    This week my Love of Learning endeavors were more amorphous – I reflected a lot on what I had learned from a few chats I’ve had with people here and there, and planned out my editorial calendar for this blog.  I also found a few places where I might take some classes, but more on that later.
  4. Job Search
    Since my last post, sadly, I was informed that I didn’t get a job for which I had had second round interviews.  That was disappointing, of course, but onward and forward.  This week has been more informal networking than applying to jobs, for the most part.  This afternoon, I have a conversation lined up about a potential contract gig that would require me to spend a little bit of time in Houston, so we’ll see where that goes.

So those are This Week’s Endeavors.  Stay tuned for some lists of what I’ve been reading, what I’ve been doing, and a status report.